In Tanzania

Hello! This post is going to be writened in english since it's so ugly otherwise because we dont have swedish keyboards! But anyway, there has been a long way here, about 2 days travel. But we arrived this thuesday night at kilimanjaro airport in Tanzania. We were supposed to be picked up by a man named moses, byt when ge got inside the car and it started driving, we noticxed that it wasn't him. Ho ho! So we thought when he drove away from the airport, into the dark, that we were about to get killed. On the road loads of peaople were walking, cycling and hitchhiking. In front of our car, peaople were tuched into small pickup cars like thoes you see in movies or comercials. We were terrified!!! But after like half an hour we finally arrived to our host family who greeted us very nicely! We are now sitting at an internet cafe and everything is very cheap, but despite that peaople are so very poor. The orpanage that we are working at are so poor I could cry! 7 children per bed, which are very small! They have almost no clothes to change to and no pure water to drink and it looks exactly like those comercials on tv where you can donate money. I have so myuch to tell you, but not enough time for today! So I'll see you later and hope that you all feal free do donate money to those kids! They really need it! Hopefully we can upload some pictures later on! Untill that, take care and DO NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT SILLY STUFF!


Therese and Mathilda

Postat av: Jenny O

Hej tjejer! Vad skönt att höra att ni kommit fram ordentligt. Kan bara försöka föreställa mig vad ni hittills varit med om och vad ni kommer att uppleva under er vistelse. Jag ser fram emot att få se bilder och att få fler rapporter om hur ni har det. Var rädda om varandra och ta hand om er!

/Jenny O

2011-03-19 @ 11:30:27
Postat av: Malin

Hej tjejer! skönt att få läsa att ni är på plats även om det låter som ni är tagna av stundens allvar av fattigdom och misär. Som sagt vad gnäller vi för? Jag tror många av oss här hemma som följer er skulle vilja skänka pengar, kläder, skolmaterial mm, men hur gör vi det?

Hur ser det ut där ni bor? Väder? Mat? Dofter? Färger? Jag är jätte nyfiken!!!!

Stor kram till er från fröken Malin

2011-03-20 @ 10:36:45

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