The school
The orphanage has also got a school for the kids at the orphanage, but also for the poor kids living in the same area which families can't afford their education. It's really good for them, except for the fact that the english teachers really suck in english! And they have a really anoying habit of saying i after almost every word. For example red, they say redi, which is soooo wrong because it's a totally different word. But even though I try to teach them, the teacher still say redi, so it's futile!
Another thing that bugs me is that the teachers threatens them with the stick (or as she says: sticki). It's soooo wrong because she just scares them of even trying to learn, in fear to say the wrong word. And the kids in our baby class is just around 2-6 years old, and they are having all their classes in english. We teach them maths, english writing, reading and science. They are about 30 kids in our class and 10 in the "smarter" class and they are really smart as well, especially because of their age! But I think the idea of having kids in different ages in the same class is really bad! Almost all of them should be in kindergarden, BIG failure if you want my oppinion!
I can tell that the teacher really loves the kids although she beat them with the stick sometimes, but that's just the way they do it here. It's like a vicious circle. Sad but true! This is one of the million things that I want to change here before I go home. We are trying to teach her the "shame chair" so if they don't behave well we put them on a chair, were they are only allowed to look into the corner untill they behave nicely. I think the teacher tries to change her habbits but it's hard and a long process.
It's almost dark here so I have to go home before the dark falls. It's really dangerous for an Amzungo to be out alone this late. Take care! Bye! Xxx
// Therese
Ni gör så otroligt mycket för dessa barn och det måste vara så svårt att se hur dom har det.Vad vi kan göra är väl att sätta in pengar, då jag vet att Ni tog barnen till sjukhus för läkarvård och köpte mediciner som ni bekostade med egna pengar.Jag och Mormor sätter in 500 var inte så mycket för oss men vet hur mycket ni kan köpa till barnen för det.
Puss o kram Therese/Mamma
Hejsan Mathilda & Therese! Jag läser er blogg och följer med på er resa! Hoppas att allt är väl med er båda. Ni är fantastiska som orkar jobba när allt är så enormt annorlunda där nere. "Mathilda" hör av dej om jag kan bidra på nåt sätt, du har ju mailet.Ska jag skriva på engelska så säg bara till för det fixar jag! Massor med Kramar / Mormor
Hello Girls! I`m reading your blogg and looking for new letters every day. You`re fantastic both of you! It must be very frustrating not to be able to do everything that you want.Believe me You are making a BIG difference for these children while you are there! If I can do anything for you just name it! I`ll do whatever I can! Mathilda: Lots of hugs from your grandmother Kerstin Bye,bye!
Så stolt över dig Tessan! Glöm inte bort att ta hant om dig själv också. Va försiktig på kvällen! Kram