Donations for rebuilding the orphanage

I would like to remind you all that we are still in need of money donations. There is so many things I would like to do but I don't have enough money. We have got a few very generous donations which I really appreciate! You are soooooooooooooooooo kind! We are right now in a process of rebuilding the orphanage, to give the kids proper roofs, floors, beds, walls, good isolation and so on. We want the children to feel safe and comfortable, because it's there "home". And this opportunity is thanks to all you people who have donated money during our journey!!

Is someone of you readers would like to help this children and be aware of the fact that the money goes to something good, our account number is BG konto: 693-7742, write your name as the message, and our "organisation is called "ett klipp for livet" as you probebly already know". All the things we'll by for this money will be reported here on our blog. Pictures will be uploaded as soon as the internet will cooperate with me! Please think about the kids situation and help them out!

Clean water 2L - 5kr
worm medecine for 16 kids - 40kr
cough medecine - 25 kr
10 pencils - 4kr
a doctors consultation - 15 - 20 kr
building a well - ca 400 kr
to rent a fairly good HOUSE for 16 kids a year - ca 5000 kr A YEAR!!!

These are just a few of the things you could welp us with. Clothes and sleepingbags costs from about 10 kr each! It's so sick. The renovation that we are trying to do before we'll go home costs nearly 4000kr and its inclucded material as well. I don't like to beg, but these kids are worth so much better! Please help them!


// Therese

Postat av: Jenny

Hej tjejer! Jag blir så imponerad av ert engagemang och allt ni gör för barnen! Jag har skickat ut adressen till er blogg till all personal på skolan och talat om vad ni gör i Tanzania och hoppas att det på så sätt kommer in några kronor. Vi har också på lärarummet börjat samla in pengar så att vi kan bidra med lite. Era klasskompisar får också möjligheten att lämna ett valfritt bidrag under måndagen. Sätter sen in pengar till er på tisdag. Ha det bra och ta hand om er! /Jenny O

2011-04-08 @ 13:24:28
Postat av: Pappa Stefan & Martina

Hallo!!! Va häftigt att läsa om erat arbete. Vi sätter in 500 kr till idag. Ha de topp o kram på er. Pappa Stefan & Martina

2011-04-11 @ 07:25:59
Postat av: Pappa Stefan & Martina

Hallo!! Va härligt att läsa om erat arbete och att ni gör framsteg. Vi har satt in 500 till idag. Ta hand om er. bamsekramar Pappa Stefan & Martina

2011-04-11 @ 07:34:24

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